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1. Import RNSwiftUI from the react-native-render-swift-ui package

import { RNSwiftUI } from "react-native-render-swift-ui";

2. Add an RNSwiftUI.RootView to your component



3. Add any component defined under the components section (without RootView) as child to the RNSwiftUI.RootView

Hallo Welt

4. Integrate an React Native View using RNSwiftUI.ReactChildView to the RNSwiftUI.RootView.

<Text>Hello Text</Text>,
<Button title="Hello Button" onPress={() => alert("Button clicked!")} />,
// Text
<RNSwiftUI.ReactChildView index={0}/>
// Button
<RNSwiftUI.ReactChildView index={1}/>

For that you need to pass an array of react nodes to the RNSwiftUI.RootView. Then you can use the RNSwiftUI.ReactChildView to display the react node by passing the index of the React.ReactNode of the reactViews array to it.